Application of the Finite Element Method in the Strength Analysis of a Decanter Centrifuge Drum 有限元法在卧螺离心机转鼓强度分析上的应用
Desingn of Three-phase Decanter Centrifuge; The Application of Auger piles in Retaining Structure 三相卧式螺旋卸料沉降离心机的设计研究螺旋沉管灌注桩在地下室围护中的应用
Improved Design and Analysis for the Differential Framework of Horizontal Screw Decanter Centrifuge 卧螺离心机差速机构改进设计与分析计算
Horizontal arm hanging type centrifugal casting machine gle cocurrent decanter centrifuge 悬臂卧式离心铸造机多锥角并流型沉降式离心机
A screening study of some polyacrylamide for decanter centrifuge in residual sludge dewatering 卧螺机污泥脱水中几种聚丙烯酰胺的筛选研究
Reason analysis and handling measure on high torsional moment of decanter centrifuge 螺旋沉降离心机扭矩高的原因分析及改进
The first part of this paper is the finite element analysis of planetary gear differential in horizontal screw decanter centrifuge. 本文第一部分对卧螺沉降式离心机1200的差速器中行星齿轮进行了有限元分析计算。
This paper mainly introduces the work principle of the Horizontal Scroll Decanter Centrifuge and choice of its parameters, and had some basic theoretical calculation, including throughput and bowl wall thickness design calculation. 该文主要介绍卧式螺旋沉降离心机的工作原理和参数的选择,以及基础理论计算,包括生产能力的计算和转鼓壁厚的设计计算。
Optimum Design of the Decanter Centrifuge Baskets Based on FEM 基于有限元法的卧螺离心机转鼓优化设计
It finds the max amplitude of vibration in unbalance response is at dewatering area The vibration calculation in this paper has a actual and reference value in future research in horizontal screw decanter centrifuge and same two-rotor structure. 本文的振动计算对于以后卧螺沉降式离心机的振动研究,以及同类双转子系统的动力学计算,具有一定的参考价值和实用价值。
In this paper, a three-phase decanter centrifuge is designed according to the characteristics of drilling oily sludge and the requirements of truck-mounted plants, and tested by no-load test and on-site test. 本课题根据钻井废水含油污泥的特点和车载式成套装置工艺要求设计三相螺旋离心机,并进行工业试验。
The Horizontal Scroll Decanter Centrifuge is characteristic of high separating factor, suspending liquid dehydration, clarification, graduation process, separating the material compatible and low unit productivity power loss and so on. 螺旋沉降离心机具有分离因素高,能实现悬浮液的脱水、澄清、分级的过程,对分离物料的适应性强,单位生产能力的功耗低等特点。
The paper introduces the application of decanter centrifuge in alga sludge dewatering in water supply in waterworks. 本文着重介绍了卧螺离心机在水厂采用气浮法产水过程中产生的藻类气浮污泥的脱水处理。
In a decanter centrifuge, the screw conveyor is the key component whose structure, materials and parameters determine the throughput, separation efficiency and working life of the centrifuge. 螺旋输送器是卧螺离心机的主要部件,其结构、材料和参数不仅关系到离心机的生产能力和分离效果,而且还决定了卧螺离心机的使用寿命。
Put forward and test the method of balancing two rotors of the horizontal decanter centrifuge simultaneously. 提出并成功的实践了内、外转子同时平衡的方法。
Finite element analysis of a horizontal screw decanter centrifuge drum with double tapered beach 卧螺离心机双锥角转鼓结构的有限元分析
The reason of high torsional moment of decanter centrifuge was theoretically analyzed. The results showed that the over-high speed of the centrifuge bowl caused the high torsional moment. 通过理论分析及与同类装置离心机组技术参数的对比,指出了造成离心机扭矩高的主要原因是离心机转鼓转速过高,并采用减小转鼓转速的方法,使离心机的扭矩降低了约19%。
Dish centrifugal separator ( DCS) and Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge ( HDC) are two kinds of high-speed rotating machines widely used in chemical engineering and food industry. 碟式分离机和卧式螺旋卸料沉降离心机是两种化工、食品等行业广泛使用的高速回转机械。
Method of Balancing Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge Without Resolving Beat and Pick-up and Process of Beat Signal 卧螺离心机不解拍整机动平衡方法及拍振信号的提取与处理
The horizontal decanter centrifuge is a dual rotor system with small rotating speed difference, of which unbalanced vibration is a beat signal. 卧螺离心机是一种具有微小速差的双转子系统,它的不平衡振动信号是一个拍振。
Application of Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge in Sulfonate Recovery Plant with C9 Arene 卧式螺旋沉降离心机在C9芳烃回收磺酸盐中的应用
Moreover, the internal fluid flow of decanter centrifuge is still not very clear. 此外,卧螺离心机的内部流体流动状态也不是十分清楚。
According to the test results, determine the basic design parameters of decanter centrifuge for large handling capacity in accordance with the actual project requirements. 3. 根据试验结果,按照实际工程要求确定大处理量的卧螺离心机的基本设计参数。
Finally, reliability prediction and reliability allocation of decanter centrifuge had been carried into execution to integrate all the important reliability jobs. Crucial techniques and methods had been studied in the process of reliability jobs. 最后对卧螺离心机进行可靠性预计和可靠性分配,将重要的可靠性工作集成起来,并研究了其中的关键技术和方法,对卧螺离心机离心机的设计研究提供可靠的理论依据。
However, theoretical study and strength design of decanter centrifuge is not so well-developed, which lead to some problems in the engineering application of the decanter centrifuge such as screw blade fracture, low separation efficiency, short service life. 然而,卧螺离心机的理论研究和强度设计并不成熟,工程上使用的卧螺离心机往往出现输送器叶片断裂、分离效果下降、使用寿命降低等问题。
Decanter centrifuge is widely used centrifugal separation equipment with continuous operation, high efficiency, high degree of automation, large capacity, low power consumption and strong adaptability. 卧螺离心机是一种广泛应用的高效离心分离设备,它具有连续操作、处理量大、单位产量耗电量较少、适应性强等特点。